Jamais Vu Arts & Entertainment


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StreetHoops Hazmieh: Old Damascus Road, Baabda, Lebanon -1, Beirut
Site URLhttp://www.facebook.com/jamaisvuartsandentertainment/

JAMAIS VU presents variety of performers – dancers, musicians, bands, performances and special acts across the Middle East and Europe.
We are a ONE STOP SHOP boutique from concept ideas – talents – execution to delivery in a time record.
We customize and twist our artworks depending on your requirements with an Out Of the Box thinking.
We guarantee the delivery of the best quality performances with the best competitive prices in the market.

Elie Fleyhan is a film director and dancer in Lebanon who loves to create beautifully choreographed entertaining show ideas. He was awarded for the most dedicated dancer by Alissar Caracalla back in 2008.
With more than 10 years of experience in the Entertainment Show Business, TV production, Theatre and Artist Management, Elie worked with studio Alissar Caracalla, Sami el Hajj, Rahbani Brothers and Fady Tabet. He choreographed for international artists like Saad Lamjarred, Massari Chab Khaled and Haifa Wehbe.
When he’s not in the dance studio, he creates new concepts and edits dance videos with his dedicated production team.
He teaches choreographies that are enjoyable to watch. In one word, “ his creative concepts Excite the mind.”
In International dance competitions, Elie won the 1st Place in Turkey, 2nd in Spain and 3rd in Italy.

February 20, 2017 8:29 am

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