Dale corazon | Lebanon explorers


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Phone+961 70 986 118
Site URLhttps://dalecorazon.com/

Dale Corazon – Lebanon Explorers is an eco-tourism group established in 2011 which aims to introduce the crowd to the charm and beauty of Lebanese nature and variety of its ruins spread all over the Lebanese territory.

It also aims to promote the spirit of maintaining a healthy environment for better future and forge closer links between the various groups involved in social activities.

His message is to gather with participants in one family (having a multiple and different backgrounds and affiliations) with a spirit of love, love of adventure and attachment to the land and nation.


» Dale Corazon – Lebanon Explorers offers the best services at the best prices negotiated in Lebanon for this type of environmental activities.
» It also provides hospital insurance for participants when exposed to the incidents.
» The group’s founder has 13 years experience in this field and a lot of general information on areas and historical monuments.

January 8, 2022 9:08 pm

98820 days, 21 hours

Listing ID 9361d9fd14cc374 496 total views, 0 today
