Abi Ramia Bro for trade and industry s.a.l


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CityMkalles, Beirut

In 1953, Master baker Anis Abi Ramia was running a successful bakery in Wadi Chahrour (Mount-Lebanon). Like all bakers at that time, he had to face several problems to reach optimal output due to the market growth.

In 1960, at his home work-shop he started invention of machines, and prototype trials were such a success, that word spread beyond his fellow bakers throughout the neighboring countries.
In 1979, “Abi Ramia Bros” was founded and MAXIFOUR baking concept is born.
Based on its long experience, know-how and expertise in the field, the company started introducing bread automation production in the Lebanese bakeries.

Since then, from innovation to another, the company achieved with success a considerable number of plants ranging from artisanal to large scale processing plants. Being the result of our proven expertise, we introduced our “Turbo” oven (Hot air) indirect heat baking.

May 26, 2013 3:48 pm

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